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Tailored Spare Parts

Spare Parts - Heat Exchangers, Hot Gas Fans, Radiant Tubes

You need customized or specially engineered spare parts for a thermo-processing plant or a strip line? Probably we can help you.

Radiant Tubes

Straight tubes, P-tubes oder W-tubes as welded construction made from heat resistant material, e.g. 1.4835, 1.4876, Inconel 601, etc.

Heat Exchangers

  • Heat exchangers made of flat-oval tubes, round tubes or finned tubes
  • Mild steel and stainless steel
  • Increase of efficiency due to improved heat exchangers

Hot Gas Fans

  • Delivery of custom-made impellers
  • Delivery of complete heat exchangers
  • Analysis of the efficiency of existing fans and suggestions for improvement in order to increase efficiency.
  • FEM-Analysis (e.g. deformation by creep) of existing impellers


In case you haven’t found the answer for your question please feel free to contact us, our customer support will be happy to help you.